Monday, March 29, 2010

"Dramatic B&W" Photo Challenge

I recently joined up with the wonderful community at iheartfaces. I decided to enter in this week's challenge with one of my favourite photos of my kids. This was captured last Mother's Day when we had a wonderful long lunch at a local winery. The kids had an absolute ball there, meandering amongst all the rambling vines. I actually had this photo done on a canvas for my wall & each time I look at it I am reminded of that lovely day:

PS. I have no idea how to make this appear bigger (other than clicking on it of course), novice to blogging that I am!

Monique xx

I'm back!

Well apparently I'm not the blogger I thought I was going to be!

So much has happened since August 2008...the family has certainly grown, along with my love of taking photographs, so much so that I plan on beginning to portfolio-build this year in preparation for *hopefully* starting a business of my own. I can't think of anything I'd rather do. Some nights I can't even sleep for all the things running around in my head, and then when I do sleep I dream of all things photography! It's bad, but in a good way!